(Consequently, a link such as /DaloLorn/Rising-Stars would be a perfectly valid way of accessing the Rising Stars repository.) git file extension is missing, SR2MM will automatically append it to the URL. If the protocol is omitted, SR2MM will default to git:// - similarly, if the. To connect to a repository, enter its URL as if you were trying to access it via a browser, then press 'Connect'. On Linux, the equivalent action is to run SR2ModManager. On Windows, just run SR2ModManager.bat to run the application. (You can bring up the dialog again at any time via 'Options->Set SR2 Path'.) Basic Use

If you refuse, it will default to the the last stored location, or the relative path. You will be asked to locate your SR2 folder, and the correct path will then be stored in a JSON config file. Note that as of v1.1.1, SR2MM is capable of relatively gracefully handling cases where it has been installed in the 'wrong' location.

This will allow it to download the mods directly into the game's mod folder, saving you the extra step of copying the files over yourself.

Ideally, this will be your Star Ruler 2 root directory (where Star Ruler 2.exe and/or StarRuler2.sh are located - and more importantly, where the mods folder is or will be located). To install the mod manager, extract the SR2ModManager folder wherever you like. As you connect to other repositories, the suggested repos will be gradually pushed out of the list to store the last 5 repos you opened.

zip download contains the following file structure: This is not required if you install the standalone version of SR2MM, but if possible, it is recommended that you use the standard version. Java Runtime Environment 11 or newer (also known as Java 11).In order to run this application, you must first have a computer with all of the following: The current version is a JavaFX GUI application, much more deserving of the 'manager' moniker than its predecessor. A small, cross-platform tool capable of installing Star Ruler 2 mods uploaded to online Git repositories, such as the ones hosted by GitHub or Bitbucket.