Skyrim home sweet home
Skyrim home sweet home

skyrim home sweet home

I’m certain I’m not alone in this, and for people who found themselves yearning for at least some additional land-building options over what Skyrim itself comes with, Hearthfire is probably worth the investment. When I acquired my first home in Skyrim’s base game, I remember finding myself wishing I could expand on the whole thing in some way – make it grander, more impressive, and basically provide yet more furniture for myself so I could neatly organize my treasure horde. On the flipside, while this doesn’t sound like much, there’s definitely some appeal here. The orphan-pet you can adopt knows a few tricks, but once you’ve seen those tricks, you’re pretty much done with them.

skyrim home sweet home

Buying and building your home is a relatively straightforward process, with the ‘crafting’ portion feeling more like an extra step added onto an otherwise automated process, as opposed to a true addition to Skyrim’s gameplay.

skyrim home sweet home

You can choose a few different upgrade paths and layout types for your house, but you’re by and large locked into pre-arranged floor plans for your eventual home, right down to pre-selected locations for furniture. So while you can buy multiple plots of land and build your house in roughly different ways, don’t expect supreme depth, much less serious customization. Now, when I say substantial, I’m talking relative to the price of this DLC – and remember, that’s five bucks USD. The point is, you’re actually getting quite a substantial amount of things to do with Hearthfire – even if rather distinct from Dawnguard’s addition of vampires, deeper character customization, storyline and monsters. Instead, Hearthfire offers some true and bonafide content to your Skyfire game, presenting you with the ability to buy land in multiple locations throughout scenic Tamriel, build and customize your mansion new room by room, and even adopt a pet. Make no mistake – there are no echoes of the infamous ‘Horse Armor’ DLC going on here, such that for five dollars you get a house added to your game and that’s the end of the story. I’ve got to admit, the choice is interesting… but is it worth the five bucks they’re asking for this expansion? Good question. Instead of focusing on new adventures, monsters and the like, Hearthfire’s got more of a “The Sims, but with fireballs” theme going on, opening up more land-purchasing, home-building and family-maintaining aspects to their open world RPG. So, Bethesda’s come out with another round of DLC for it’s utterly fantastic The Elder Scrolls game, Skyrim – and this time they’re throwing us a curveball.

Skyrim home sweet home